a place of

Respite, Retreat, Restore, & so much more

The name “reCenter”

The “RE” stands for any of the following… respite, renew, rest, recharge, read, recover, reflect…

CENTER on your priorities! We believe Christ is the Center.

The LOGO represents where we want our focus and center to be, Jesus Christ and His cross.

Life Coaching

Pre-determining an area for growth provides amazing opportunity. Life coaching takes this a step further and enables forward movement towards your goals.

Explore and discover this valuable service.

Frequently Asked Questions

Second, to be straight up, we do need finances. Donate on this webpage, or contact us with any questions you have.

Our goal is $400,000 to be able to purchase this property and complete the projects.

Officially, no. But contact us and let’s see what we can make work.

We are in between Nairobi and Kijabe, near Limuru. This puts us 1 hour away from Nairobi one direction and 30 minutes away from Kijabe the other direction.

We primarily need help with electrical, plumbing, dry wall, painting, sanding, and such skills to build houses.

What other questions do you have?

Reach out to us, we’d love to share more.

Meet the Unruhs

We live on site & we look forward to having you with us!


hostess & life coach



our kids

attend RVA